Index | अनुप्रयुक्त गणित विभाग


विभाग के बारे में

The Department started functioning in the year 1989 and is gradually emerging as an excellent centre for Research and Teaching in the areas of Mathematical Modeling, Algebra, General Topology, Analysis, Approximation Theory, Fuzzy Logic and Applications etc. under the active guidance of dedicated faculty members. Our Faculty Members have delivered invited talks and presented research papers in many Indian and foreign universities so far. Eminent Mathematicians from many premier Indian institutions visited our Department and delivered their innovative and interactive talks with the students and faculty members. The Department is going to introduce new courses in the field of mathematics and applicable mathematics to stand in the front line curriculum of the other Central Universities of the Country. The Faculty Members of the Department has the good record to have collaborative/interactive research work with many eminent Mathematicians. The members of the Department are also Reviewers/Referees of many National as well as International Mathematical Journals. One M.Sc. (final year) student qualified for GATE-2009 examination with good score. Our M.Phil. students have got almost cent percent placements.