शैक्षणिक/संकाय गैर शैक्षणिक
पाठ्यक्रम विभाग
कंप्यूटर केंद्र राष्ट्रीय योजना सेवा छात्रावास पोस्ट कार्यालय & बैंक स्वास्थ्य केन्द्र गेस्ट हाउस स्टाफ क्वार्टर अधिक

सामाजिक कार्य विभाग के विभागीय प्रोफ़ाइल

Department at a Glance

The Department was established in the year 1998 with an aim to produce trained social workers to cater the needs of community development and human resource management. It offers a masters degree course on regular basis leading to the degree of Master of Social Work (MSW). In addition to this, doctoral programmes are also conducted. The Department conducts multifarious activities for the exposure of the students to the real life and field situations.

Students of the Department make visits to various NGOs and welfare agencies. They interact with the inmates and officials and community people. Department organizes several rural camps in the nearby villages to arose awareness amongst the rural masses regarding prevailing social problems (like evil effects of alcoholism, practice of child labour, dowry, illiteracy, preventive measures of AIDS, myths, taboos, health hazards and drug abuses). Outreach programmes are arranged for community development. Methods of mass communication are effectively employed for this purpose such as plays, speeches, folklore and other cultural activities. Students actively participate and organize workshops and seminars on the important issues of social relevance.


Photographs of International Women's Day

Photographs of Social Work Day

Photographs of World AIDS  Day

Photographs of International Human Rights Day

Photographs of  University Foundation Day 15.01.13

Photographs of Orientation Program

Photographs of Guest Talk

Photographs of Swami Vivekanand Speech Competition

Photographs of International Litracy Day (Lokhandi, Kachhar, Sendri 2, Sendri 1 & Mangla)


Photographs of Field Work Activity

Photographs of Termination of Field Work

Photograps of Training on SPSS

Photographs of Data Dissemination Workshop 

Photographs of Blood Donation Camp 30.01.13

Photographs of International Literacy Day 08 Sep. 2013

Photographs of World Elderly Day Celebrations on October 1,2013

Photographs of Farewell

Photographs of Celebration of International Literacy Day 2014


संकाय और स्टाफ सदस्य


विभाग का नाम : समाज कार्य




  ई-मेल आई डी

  संपर्क नंबर



  डॉ.प्रतिभा जे. मिश्रा

  डीन, प्रोफेसर एवं विभागाध्यक्ष


  094137-60046, 078694-22622





  ई-मेल आई डी

  संपर्क नंबर



  श्री विक्रम सिंह

  असिस्टेंट प्रोफेसर



  उपलब्ध नहीं




  ई-मेल आई डी

  संपर्क नंबर



  सुश्री अर्चना यादव

  असिस्टेंट प्रोफेसर







  ई-मेल आई डी

  संपर्क नंबर



  डॉ. संज्ञा त्रिपाठी   (शिशु देख्भाल अवकाश पर)

  असिस्टेंट प्रोफेसर  


  9208301357, 9235888844



कार्यालय स्टाफ


विभाग का फोन नंबर


PHONE NO. : 07752-260484


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