Index | मेकानिकल इंजीनियरिंग


विभाग के बारे में

Department of Mechanical Engineering was established in Institute of Technology in the year 2006 after getting approval from AICTE for intake of 60 seats. His Excellency Shri K .M.Seth the then Governor and Chancellor inaugurated this Department on 26th July 2006 . The department has well qualified and experienced faculty.

Department is running one major project of AICTE namely Entrepreneurship Developed Cell ( EDC ) & one minor project namely Energy Club of CREDA ( Chhattisgarh Renewable Development Agency) .

 Department organizes every year Industrial visit of related industries. Academic atmosphere of department is very conducive for overall development of students .

Program Specific Objectives and Outcomes

List of Sophisticated Instruments

List of Sophisticated Instruments

Employability, entrepreneurship, skill development during the last five years

Minutes of Meetings BOS 2016-19

New courses subjects introduced during the last five years